Do you feel overwhelmed? I don't know how you feel, but it seems like every year gets crazier, more busy, and passes so much faster. There are all these things that we want to accomplish. We have all these ideas. We are pulled into different directions. We get distracted and easily waste our time. We are like headless chicken running around and trying to stay afloat in this crazy quest of for busyness and the desire for more. What is important right NOW?In the midst of all this busyness, is it really that important to check our email for the hundredths time or dive into the vast ocean of apps, music, and entertainment? Or is it better to stop once in a while and ask the simple question: What is important right now? When I felt overwhelmed recently, I did exactly that. Do you know what my answer was? Enjoy the time with your kids right now, take some time to adjust course, and get a f***ing good night sleep! What can we eliminate?We tend to have so much on our plates. We are really good at adding new stuff. The more successful we are, the more opportunities we get. Often, these new opportunities are added to what we already do. Adding new stuff to our plates, means less time. And less time means, less time for the things that matter. Less time for the things that matter creates unhappiness, stress, and tension. If we have too much on our plates, then we can only ask one question: what can we eliminate and what can we say "no" to? Recently, I declined a VP position in my Toastmaster's club. I felt very humbled by the request but could not accept because my "plate" was already too full. What's the one thing we could focus on?Are you like me and have tons of new ideas? Or do you get excited about something after reading a book, taking a class, or hearing an inspiration talk? Focus is our worst nightmare! Focus means that we have to decide for something. Focus means that we have to let go of ideas, at least for the moment. Focus means the feeling of missing out. But here is another side of focus. Focus is powerful. Focus means greater depth in exploration. Focus opens the doors o excellence and exponential growth. Focus means flow. Focus means no more feeling of being overwhelmed. What's the one thing we can focus on today, this week, this month, this quarter, this year, this decade, and this lifetime? There is not an easier answer to this question. For me, focus starts with doing one thing at the time and focusing on the vital few things in my life, e.g. family, health, and happiness. Further readingFor this article, I drew inspiration from Greg McKeown's fabulous book "Essentialism". This book is one of the two most influential books that I've read in 2016. I highly recommend it.
May this article help you feel less overwhelmed! :) |
DisclaimerI work for SAP. This blog expresses my opinion and does not represent SAP information, positions, strategy or opinion.